LHM Strategic- Digital and Social Media Agency

Digital Publicity

Digital Publicity to enhance your brand & image on and offline

As any public relations, marketing or advertising guru knows, the media is ever changing. Meaning the ways we represent our clients should shift, too. Digital publicity has taken center stage for awareness campaigns, product launches, and public relations efforts.

From traditional, digital, and social media as well as blogs, online news sites and more, there are many online vehicles to be “seen” by consumers. Marketing and communications agencies of all sizes are adapting to the different methods of helping clients reach their goals.

For clients looking to expand their digital brand and overall public appearance and relevance, LHM Strategic works as part of your team. Together, we develop a digital publicity strategy using traditional public relations planning that utilizes social and digital media vehicles.

Depending on individual client goals and objectives, this might involve digital publication pitching; brand pitching and collaboration strategy; social media platform management and content development; SEO and community management.

Enhance your digital presence today!